The mood on the cryptocurrency market in May was even better than in April. Currently, we can be sure that crypto winter is gone and the bottom of the Bitcoin’s price was settled around $3500. Shall we be preparing fo the next ATH (All-Time High)? Or maybe BTC’s rate of exchange will be more stable? We will soon find out and now we are presenting the Cryptocurrency Ranking May 2019.
In the February edition of Bithub’s Cryptocurrency Ranking we used for the first time a new method of selecting 30 coins. It is based on 30-day volume. Our new method allows us to examine the most „popular” projects in each month, which cannot be determined by looking at their marketcaps. What is more, the Ranking’s structure will not be pernament – it will gain the possibility of including different coins every month. For this purpose we use data from coinmarketcap. As every month, we present ROI of 30 digital curriencies exluding stablecoins.
List of 30 cryptocurrencies with highest volume in May and their marketcap
At the beginnig of the month, Bitcoin’s price was above 5300$. Then, it started to increase and on the 12th of May it surged to $7450. After that, there was a slight correction to the level of $7000, but BTC’s price bounced immediately to $8000. On 17th of May we came back again to $7000, but three day later it was already above $8000. It oscillated in this region until 26th of May, when it rose rapidly to $8800. It stayed there for two days and then decreased to $8400.